Well hello there and welcome to my blog! I'm Bridget, a lifestyle family photographer in Boise Idaho. Here you will learn a little more about who I am and sneak a few peeks into my latest sessions with some of the best families in Idaho. So go and grab a cup of hot cup of tea (or coffee, if you prefer), kick your feet up and enjoy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

♥ i heart faces- angles challenge ♥

I've been "stalking" this blog for a bit now but have never had the courage to actually submit a photo for one of their weekly challenges, so I'm taking the leap. This is a photo of my Gracie Lou that I just love, it was the day she lost her very first tooth! Head over to http://www.iheartfaces.com/ to see the other wonderful submittions.



  1. Wonderful job...you captured her youth in a beautiful way!

  2. If I was her mother, I would want this enlarged for my living room wall. Wonderful.

  3. So lovely, and soft. I like what the first commenter said, but at the same time she looks very mature.

  4. Amazing capture and beautiful angle. Sweet photo.
